Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yuki no Hana on classical guitar, composed by Matsumoto Ryouki

This song was a hit in Asia and probably is one of the most covered songs in recent years. Apart from the original singer Nakashima Mika, dozen of other artistes also covered the song, including Tokunaga Hideaki, Han Xue (in Mandarin, 飄雪) , Vincy Chan (in Cantonese, 花無雪), Fukuyama Masaharu, Iwasaki Hiromi, Kawamura Ryuichi, Joi Chua (in Mandarin, 對不起我愛你) et cetera

1 comment:

wp5166 said...

Hi, coincidentally I was looking for the music sheet on Yuki no Hana and found your site. I love the melody very much.


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