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Aaron Shearer Learning the Classic Guitar part 3
Aaron Shearer is one of the most widely recognized and respected classic guitar teachers in America.These book series is well organised.These 3 books are musts for a serious classical guitar student.
Approaching Expressive Interpretation
The Expressive Musician
Expression and Technique
Regarding Early Music
The Basis of Expressive Playing Enhancing and Creating Musical Contrast
Expression and the Score
Beginning to Play Expressively: Observing Melodic Contour
The Moving and Shaping Forces of Music
Rhythmic Attraction
Melodic Attraction
Harmonic Attraction
Organizing Rhythmic Cpntrasts: Note-Grouping and Phrasing
The Figure
The Phrase
Defining Note-Grouping and Phrasing
Upbeat Grouping
Downbeat Grouping
Questions for Review
Approaching Expression through Vocalization
Applying Note-Grouping and Phrasing
Applying Rubato and Dynamics
Further Application of Upbeat Grouping
Creating Mood and Spin
Note-Grouping in Quadruple Meter
Pieces for Study
Performance Development
The Cause of Performance Anxiety
Evaluating Your Situation
Regarding Technique and Memorization
Approaching Performance Development
Performance Anxiety and Negative Concerns
Dealing with Errors During Performance
Replacing Negative Concerns with Positive Concerns
Beginning Performance Development
Before You Begin
The Practice Performance
Establishing Your Concentration
The Two Kinds of Performances
Developmental Performance Procedure
Approaching the Formal DP
Learning Effective Stage Conduct
Carrying the Guitar
Guidelines for Walking to the Chair
Guidelines for Bowing
Practicing a Formal DP
The Expressive Performance (EP)
Download this free guitar ebook
Aaron Shearer Learning the Classic Guitar part 3
Hello, could you upload the Aaron Shearer part 3 again? I downloaded it two times and it says that the file can't be fixed. I appreciate it, thanks.
FYI: Links for all three Shearer books are down/outdated. :(
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